
 for The Shavad…

The story unfurls like a gorgeous tapestry that draws you to notice every minute detail. This skillful weaving of conspiracy, prophecy, slavery, loyalty, and history is an unforgettable story of human hope and redemption.

Erin Healy, author of Motherless and House of Mercy

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Magnificently crafted ! As in all epic adventures, the scenery is breathtaking, the characters both tragic and heroic, the themes universal, and the message inspiring. You’ll be swept into this grand tale and soon lost in an ancient world that appears both mythical and at times vaguely familiar. What’s here will stir you, inspire you, and make you long for more.

Richard Blackaby, author of The Seasons of God

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Brilliantly and artfully crafted, this timeless tale kept me anxiously turning the pages to discover the fate of Mahrona, Shava, Tundus…and all the compelling cast. A redemptive reminder of how history has repeated itself for thousands of years—if only our contemporary world leaders could read this story and learn from it.  Highly recommended!

Melody Carlson, author of  the Homeward on the Oregon Trail series

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If you’ve ever longed to be proven and to find your life’s purpose, the poetry and epic story of The Shavad shows you the way…brilliantly!

Dr. Hassan A. Tetteh, author of Gifts of the Heart

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History comes vibrantly alive. Compelling and erudite, this is a masterwork saturated with nuance of the age and cast with unforgettable characters. An epic tale of hope magnificently told.

Tosca Lee, author of The Progeny, Havah, and The Legend of Sheba

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This is a story of redemption…a story which itself changes us. It’s transformative because it’s a total immersion experience that we live. Somehow The Shavad is a synergy of mythology and history, a story whose lessons take on mythic proportions. This powerful work grounds us in our faith, confirms its universality, and woos the unbelieving. Far from simplistic clichés, the truth-in-tension here creates a rich pathos that brings us to our knees. A masterpiece!

Brian Myers, author of The Upward Fall

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Does history repeat itself? Judge for yourself as you read this riveting historical fiction in which Roman leaders battle for power and a sorrowing Parthian woman must lose her only child. Treading into the explosive story are a miracle-working Jew proclaiming the Son of God—and a boy his contemporaries simply can’t forget.

Marion Duckworth, author of Naked on God’s Doorstep

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Be intrigued by the plot and captivated by the characters.  Thought-provoking and beautifully written, The Shavad will draw you in and leave you anxiously anticipating the next installment.

Susan Parris, author of Cancer Mom

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Beautifully written, The Shavad entices its readers with an epic story of hope and faith. As the story begins, the intrigue surrounding the intertwining stories of a young pregnant woman and a Roman general immediately drew me in, and had me anticipating their fates. A captivating and redemptive story, where history comes alive.

—Rick McKinley, author of This Beautiful Mess

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